who on every corner bothers you with his
"can you spare a quarter?"
I am that child with the dirty face
no doubt unwanted"
I think here Arenas treats a very sensitive topic that has been around in like forever - homeless kids. Reinaldo Arenas from Cuba, so I guess he has seen more homeless kids, but the way he explains how they have been there forever is amazing. "I am that angry and lonely child of always,
that throws you the insult of that angry child of always" He explains how their situation has never changed, there have been forever homeless children who always lived the same miserable life, the same uneducated, always on survival mode life, I think that is what the author meas by "the insult of that angry child of always", their lifestyle has never changed, neither their manners. "if hypocritically you pat me on the head
I would take that opportunity to steal your wallet." He explains how they don't have the luxury of time and future planning, their only concern is to survive the day, so even when people try to be nice to them, they would use that opportunity to steal their wallets. "I am that repulsive child that improvises a bed
out of an old cardboard box and waits,
certain that you will accompany me." The last stanza is kinda sad actually, he shows how they sleep on cardboxes and wait for the other day to come, certain that there will always be accompanied by more children, who's fate is the same...That other child of always.
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